Choices Home for the Holidays

Chapter 1: There's No Place Like Home

[1] You scared me!

[2] Thanks! I need this

[3] There'd better be rum in this

Nick is...

[1] So hot, it's not fair!

[2] Not my type

- Thank you for believing in me

- I'm ready to take the publishing world by storm!

[1] Sign me up!

[2] I'd rather have a white Christmas any day

[3] The location doesn't matter to me

What do you do?

[1] Join Nick in his private office! 12 diamonds

[1] If you're working, I'm working
[2] How am I supposed to enjoy the party without you?

* (Diamond outfit) ❤️ +Nick

- Take the scotch
- Stick to eggnog

[1] No work
[2] Spending time with my family
[3] All the holiday cheer

[1] Maybe she had a point
[2] It sounds like she didn't know you very well
[3] There are plenty of fish in the sea!

[1] You're welcome
[2] I could distract you after work too ❤️ +Nick

[1] Poetic
[2] Cheesy

[1] Lean in ❤️ +Nick
[2] Sit back

[2] Let him work all night

[1] I can't publish a book as a favor

[2] I'll see what I can do

- Swerve toward the left!

- Swerve toward the right!

- Swerve toward the deer!


[1] Thank you!

[2] Don't think this means I need to be rescued all the time

[1] I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you

[2] There may have been a deer involved...

[1] Let's do it 20 diamonds

[1] Your job
[2] Your family
[3] Your girlfriend

[1] That's hot
[2] You must be so proud

[1] Hit him with a snowball!
[2] Stomp through his snow angel!

[1] I've never forgotten our time together ❤️ +Wyatt
[2] You're right. It was a long time ago

[1] Reach for his hand ❤️ +Wyatt
[2] Reach to change the radio station

[2] Maybe another time...

[1] Catching up with Wyatt

[2] Dealing with car trouble

[1] School

[2] Your love life

Chapter 2: Let It Snow

[1] You missed me so much!

[2] You have a huge pile of work for me

[1] I'll get it done
[2] This is so unfair!

Baby it's cold outside
[1] Choose this look!
[2] No thanks

(Diamond outfit) ❤️ +Nick

[1] Christmas!

[2] Hanukkah!

[3] Kwanzaa!

[4] Friends and family!

(Diamond outfit) ❤️ +Wyatt

[1] I'll sit in the middle
[2] I'm taking the window seat!

[1] We can all agree the decorations are tacky
[2] No need to such a Grinch

[1] You'd look good in a uniform ❤️ +Wyatt
[2] Maybe you should focus on your day job

[1] So Charles thinks you're beautiful huh? RS affected with your mom and Charles
[2] Be careful with Charles

[1] Don't knock 'em 'til you've read 'em
[2] We all make mistakes when we're young

[1] Sometimes a change of pace invigorate you
[2] Now you can have a real holiday vacation
[3] My mom's apple cider is world famous!

[1] It's been so long!
[2] Wow, you're beautiful! ❤️ +Holly

[1] Like a hit!
[2] Derivative. Star-crossed lovers are so overdone

[1] Only I get to make fun of my brother
[2] That wasn't even a good insult RS affected with Avery and Dylan

What do you do?
[1] Go sledding! 16 diamonds

What do you do?
[1] Go sledding with Holly
[2] Go sledding with Nick
[3] Go sledding with Wyatt

[1] Woooooooo!
[2] Cowabunga!
[3] 'Dashing through the snow...'

- Steer right! ❤️ +Wyatt
- Steer straight!
- Steer left! ❤️ +Wyatt

[2] Pass

- Beer
- Apple cider
- Whiskey

Chapter 3: Santa Claus is Comin' to Town

[1] Sounds romantic... RS affected with your mom and Charles

[2] Sounds boring. Let's talk about something else!

[1] Romance!

[2] History!

[3] The holiday spirit!

[1] You don't stand a chance

[2] Aren't you a little old to play dress up?

Santa cutie

[1] Buy this item! 20 diamonds

[2] No thanks

(Diamond outfit) ❤️ +Nick

[1] It wasn't like that

[2] I didn't know Wyatt felt that way

[3] Let's change the subject!

(Diamond outfit) ❤️ +Wyatt

[1] Such a sweetheart?

[2] Going over the top?

(Diamond outfit) ❤️ +Holly

[1] Touching

[2] Well-written

[3] Sexy!

[1] It's okay, Holly

[2] Nick, can you lay off?

[1] He didn't have to say it like that, though

[2] Growing a tough skin is part of the industry

[3] Ignore Nick. I like you just the way you are ❤️ +Holly

[1] I'll drive Dylan and Avery on the float! 17 diamonds

[1] How nice you are

[2] What an awesome brother you are

[3] How scatterbrained you are

* ❤️ +Wyatt, ❤️ +Holly, ❤️ +Nick

- Turn hard!

- Brake suddenly!

- Drive straight!

[1] Smile encouragingly

[2] Give him a thumbs up

[3] Make a kissy face

* RS affected with Avery and Dylan

[2] Actually, nevermind

[1] My boss

[2] My boyfriend!

[3] My valet!

[1] Recite 'The Night Before Christmas'!

[2] Sing a Christmas carol!

[3] Dance to 'Jingle Bell Rock'!

[1] He's a total hunk

[2] He's kinda hideous

[3] Jack didn't say anything about Wyatt being handsome

[1] Cozy up next Nick

[2] Give him some space

Chapter 4: Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?

[1] Did you even try?

[2] The story probably just went over your head

[3] It gets better toward the end

[1] It's all part of the deal

[2] It'll be super fun!

- He didn't finish it yet!

- He thinks it needs some work!

What do you do?

[1] Build a snowman with Holly!

[2] Build a snowman with Nick

- Use Wyatt's snowman accessories! 18 diamonds

- Decline his offer

- Dodge! +Snowball

- Catch! +Snowball

- Freeze!

- Run!

- Hide! +Snowball

- Halt!

- Mayor Santos

- Wyatt

- Nick

- Henry +Snowball

- Holly

What do you do?

[1] Cozy up with Nick19 diamonds

[1] A mawkish stereotype of provincial holiday tradition
[2] An obvious effort to sell you on Winter Haven's charm
[3] A brazen attempt to get you alone

[1] Did you have strict parents?
[2] What about your friends?

[1] That must've been hard
[2] Now's your chance to make up for lost time!

* ❤️ +Nick

[2] Cozy up with Wyatt19 diamonds

[1] To hide from Henry

[2] To reminisce

[3] Toravishyou ❤️ +Wyatt

[1] Don't put too much pressure on yourself

[2] Nope, sorry. You're totally heroic

[1] I was under your spell too

[2] Guess I should've eased up on the love potion

[3] Cozy up with Holly19 diamonds

[4] Hide by myself

[1] I'm irresistibly charming!

[2] I'm willing to fight for this book

[3] You know quality when you see it

[1] Pessimistic at best

[2] Like it's been done before

[3] Like it has some potential

Chapter 5: Breaking the Ice

[1] Something might be starting between us

[2] I think I can convince him to pick up Holly's manuscript

Deck the halls
[1] Buy this item! 25 diamonds
[2] No thanks

[1] I'm gonna need a partner out there!
[2] Sweetheart Lake is a key setting in Holly's book

[1] Lean on my mom if things get wobbly RS affected with your mom and Charles
[2] Quit while you're ahead

What do you do?
[1] Skate with Holly
[2] Skate with Wyatt

(Diamond outfit) ❤️ +Wyatt

- Fall over!
- Throwout my arms!
- Reach for Wyatt!  +Skating

- Freeze!
- Dodge! +Skating
- Catch!

- Skate a figure eight!
- Skate into Mayor Santos!
- Skate in a loop with Wyatt! +Skating

[3] Skate with Nick

(Diamond outfit) ❤️ +Nick

- Reach for Nick!  +Skating
- Fall over!
- Throwout my arms!

- Freeze!
- Dodge! +Skating
- Catch!

- Skate into Mayor Santos!
- Skate in a loop with Nick! +Skating
- Skate a figure eight!

[1] Skating with a partner! 16 diamonds

[1] Block Henry!
[2] Trip him!
[3] Distract him!

* RS affected with Avery and Dylan

[1] That was a smooth move, Scout
[2] My matchmaking skills have notgotten rusty

[2] If you took a break for a while

[1] Intimate ❤️ +Wyatt
[2] Ironic

[1] Lean closer to Nick ❤️ +Nick
[2] Burst out laughing!

What do you do?
[1] Get hot chocolate with Wyatt20 diamonds

[1] If you snuggled up to me ❤️ +Wyatt
[2] If you gave me your hot chocolate too

[1] What you want?
[2] What your mom reallywants?

[1] I'd hate to see you waste your potential
[2] You'd look cute in a pilot's uniform ❤️ +Wyatt

[1] Hold Wyatt's hand ❤️ +Wyatt
[2] Steal one of his marshmallows

[2] Get hot chocolate with Nick

[1] Though it's cute how you worry about me
[2] You reallydon't need to fuss over me

[1] This is so not how I imagined your childhood
[2] I think your mom and I would get along
[3] And here I thought you hated winter traditions

[1] But are you sure you weren't just trying to impress me? ❤️ +Nick
[2] I think you're finally warming up to Winter Haven

[1] Lean against Nick ❤️ +Nick
[2] Catch a snowflake on your tongue

[3] Get hot chocolate with Holly
[4] Go home

Chapter 6: Written in the Stars

[1] Nice try, but I know you wanna stay in Winter Haven

[2] You're gonna miss the best part of the season!

[3] Take me with you!

[1] Starts to stammer

[2] Puts his hands in his pockets

[3] Can't make eye contact

[1] Homemade gifts! RS affected with your mom and Charles

[2] Expensive gifts!

[1] 'We Wish You A Merry Christmas'!

[2] 'The Dreidel Song'!

[3] 'Happy Happy Kwanza'!

[1] I'm gonna have to side with my mom

[1] If I pick your cider, do I get a discount on my car repair?

[2] I'm not getting in the middle of this one!

[1] This plane is a total mess!

[2] Cool! When do I get to fly it?

[1] No! I think it's sweet

[2] That's an understatement!

[1] You should totally name the plane after me!

[2] You should name the plane something else

[1] You pulled an all-nighter to finish that parade float?

[2] You insisted on making all of the cupcakes for the bake sale?

[3] You cut your own hair?

What do you do?

[1] Hear the real story from Wyatt 19 diamonds

[1] I think we should spend some time apart
[2] We should break up
[3] I never want to see you again

[1] I don't love you anymore
[2] We're growing apart

[1] I had no idea you still feel that way
[2] Why did you lie to me?!

[1] Thank you for telling me the truth
[2] I'm still mad at you

[1] Lean in
[2] Pull back

[2] Change the subject!

What do you do?
[1] Sing with Nick 18 diamonds, ❤️ +Nick

[1] 'Pipers piping!' ❤️ +Nick
[2]'Vipers hyping!'

[1]'Icons Twinning!'
[2] 'Swans a-swimming!'

[1] 'French hens!'
[2]'Drenched friends!'

* ❤️ +Nick

[1] Join in
[2] Listen to Nick sing

[2] Sing with Wyatt 18 diamonds, ❤️ +Wyatt

[1] 'Pipers piping!' ❤️ +Wyatt
[2] 'Vipers hyping!'

[1]'Icons Twinning!'
[2] 'Swans a-swimming!'

[1] 'French hens!'
[2] 'Drenched friends!'

* ❤️ +Wyatt

[1] Join in
[2] Listen to Wyatt sing

[3] Sing with Holly 18 diamonds
[4] Sing solo

[1] It's beautiful...
[2] Winter Haven nails it again
[3] I told you it would be amazing

Chapter 7: The Night Before Christmas

- Swan Floatie RS affected with your mom and Charles

- Football

What do you do?

[1] Buy a special gift for Nick 15 diamonds

[2] Buy a special gift for Wyatt 15 diamonds

[3] Buy a special gift for Holly 15 diamonds

[4] Check out. I'm done looking for now!

[1] This necklace is totally Avery's style!

[2] She'd love anything from you

[1] You're gonna make me cry!

[2] You're being so sappy...

[1] So beautiful

[2] Smokin' hot!

- Night before Christmas 20 diamonds

*(Diamond outfit) ❤️ +Nick

[1] Cindy, Holly, and Jack

*(Diamond outfit) ❤️ +Holly

[1] Nice

[2] Naughty

[2] Susan, Charles, and your mom

[1] That's hilarious

[2] Are you sure that's a good idea?

[3] I want some!

[3] Santos and Wyatt

*(Diamond outfit) ❤️ +Wyatt

[1] Do you want to dance?

[2] I think we're running low on eggnog

[4] Avery and Dylan

[1] You should ask her to dance! 17 diamonds

[1] A slow jam! RS affected with Avery and Dylan

[2] An upbeat song!

[2] Maybe you should give her some space...

[1] I'm actually hearing you say that!

[2] You find me that irresistible!

[1] I know how you feel

[2] I'm so sorry

[1] But that's the best part of the book!

[2] Are you ever going to read it?

[1] Things are great! Better than ever!

[2] Honestly? Things aren't going so well

[1] Nick will feel the heart of your beautiful storytelling!

[2] Nick won't have a choice but to listen!

[1] This will mean a lot to Holly

[2] I promise I'll return the favor

[1] I knew you could do it!

[2] I'd better be your first passenger

[1] There might be someone

[2] I don't need mistletoe to make my move

[3] I'm surprised Mayor Santos allowed this

What do you do?

[1] Kiss Nick under the mistletoe

[1] I've never been more sure of anything in my life

[2] You can't have Christmas without kissing under the mistletoe

* ❤️ +Nick

[1] Wrap your arms around Nick ❤️ +Nick

[2] Lean back

[1] Then let's pretend it didn't

[2] Let's try to enjoy the moment ❤️ +Nick

[1] If you kissed me again ❤️ +Nick

[2] If you didn't go to Barbados

[2] Kiss Wyatt under the mistletoe

[1] Just kiss me already

[2] I can go find someone else...

* ❤️ +Wyatt

[1] Pull back

[2] Get closer to Wyatt ❤️ +Wyatt

[1] Was it worth the wait? ❤️ +Wyatt

[2] You should've kissed me then

[1] Kiss me again ❤️ +Wyatt

[2] Let's enjoy the time we have

[3] Kiss Holly under the mistletoe

[4] Hang out with everyone instead

Chapter 8: Winter Wonderland

[1] Merry Christmas!

[2] Oooh, presents!

[3] Where's the coffee?!

- Nick

*(Special gift) ❤️ +Nick

[1] It's okay

[2] You owe me. Big time

[1] Kiss Nick! ❤️ +Nick
[2] Wish him a Merry Christmas!

- Wyatt

[1] Kiss Wyatt! ❤️ +Wyatt

[2] Hug him back

*(Special gift) ❤️ +Wyatt

[1] Obsessed, much?

[2] That's so romantic ❤️ +Wyatt

- Holly

[1] Now you'll always keep me warm ❤️ +Holly

[2] I'm putting them on right now!

[1] We've got your back!
[2] You can do this!

[1] Nooo! Thi ruins everything!
[2] You couldn't pretend to take longer?

- Winter Wonderland 25 diamonds

*(Diamond outfit) ❤️ +Nick

[1] Happy Founder's Festival!
[2] Wyatt finished repairing your helicopter

*(Diamond outfit) ❤️ +Holly, ❤️ +Wyatt

What do you do?
[1] Go on a carriage ride with Nick! 20 diamonds

[1] The day's still young
[2] I'd much rather spend our time together focused on us ❤️ +Nick

[1] Kiss Nick ❤️ +Nick
[2] Snuggle under the blankets together

[2] Go on a carriage ride with Wyatt! 20 diamonds

[1] You were really hot!
[2] You were really sweet!
[3] You could really use a haircut!

[1] You've only grown hotter
[2] You've only grown sweeter
[3] You'd look better bald

[1] Kiss Wyatt ❤️ +Wyatt
[2] Snuggle under the blankets together

[3] Go on a carriage ride with Holly! 20 diamonds
[4] Go on a carriage ride with your mom!

[1] This is just a little setback
[2] We've faced worst odds before!

- Wyatt
- Holly

[1] For the good of our towns
[2] But I'll never forget you

[1] Improvise a kiss! ❤️ +Wyatt
[2] Wrap your arms around William

[1] You're just some unfeeling robot like I always suspected
[2] Our time together meant nothing to you

[1] Why are you running away from me?
[2] I didn't expect you to be a coward

[1] Yes, but not like this!
[2] I want you to listen to me
[3] No! I just want you...

Chapter 9: A Haven in Winter

[1] I'm not gonna let Nick ruin my holiday

[2] I think I'm still in shock

[1] The New Year's Eve party

[2] The future of Holly's book

[1] That you'd be upset after last night

[2] That you'd give up on publishing the book

[1] After last night, I don't care what Nick thinks

[2] Nick owes us the chance to publish The Heart of Winter

[1] People were impressed

[2] It was kind of hot

[1] That was really careless

[2] You shouldn't feel bad about this

[1] You're absolutely right

[2] You're being too nice about this

What do you do?

[1] Go to Holly favorite place 16 diamonds

[2] Stay behind

[1] That's so sweet!

[2] Are you sure you're okay?

[1] A distraction is exactly what I need

[2] As long as it involves us cozying up together

[1] I can't believe you pulled this off!

[2] We should celebrate!

What do you do?

[1] Fly over Winter Haven with Wyatt! 17 diamonds

[1] Do you even need to ask?

[2] Just promise me to fly safely!

[1] Both hands on the wheel, Flyboy

[2] I'm so happy I get to share this with you ❤️ +Wyatt

[1] Do a barrel roll!

[2] Bring us in for a safe landing

[3] Kiss me! ❤️ +Wyatt

[1] You're the hottest pilot I've ever met ❤️ +Wyatt

[2] That was the most fun I've ever had!

[1] Kiss Wyatt ❤️ +Wyatt

[2] Hug him back

[1] We'll experience it together ❤️ +Wyatt

[2] I'll be rooting for you

[2] Stay on the ground

[1] I can't wait to see Wyatt

[2] I'm excited to spend time with Holly

[3] I wish Nick was here

[1] Read the manuscript

[2] Ignore it

- To kiss Wyatt at midnight

- To kiss Holly at midnight

- To make some good resolutions

- To hear from Nick

Chapter 10: And a Happy New Year!

[1] I'm sorry Charles won't be there tonight

[2] We don't need Nick or Charles to have a good time!

- Auld Lang Syne 25 diamonds

[1] Your secret's safe with me

[2] Sorry, but we have to find your parents

- Avery and Dylan

- Wyatt and Holly

*(Diamond outfit) ❤️ +Wyatt, ❤️ +Holly

- Susan and Your Mom
[1] Noisemakers are harmless fun!
[2] I'm with you. Those things are annoying

[1] Congratulations!
[2] Did you know this was happening?
[3] Does your mom even know how to be a mechanic?

- Holly
- Wyatt
[1] Do the moonwalk!
[2] Do the Sprinkler!
[3] Do a slow dance!

- Mayor Santos
- Your mom
- Dylan

[1] I was hoping you'd show up!
[2] What the hell are you doing here?

*(Diamond outfit) ❤️ +Nick

[1] Of course I forgive you!
[2] We'll take the book deal, but that doesn't mean you're forgiven
[3] I need some time to process all of this

What do you do?
[1] Ring in the new year with Nick! 30 diamonds

[1] Kiss Nick
[2] Strip for him

[1] Don't stop
[2] We should slow down

[1] For the better, I hope!
[2] You've changed my life too

[2] Ring in the new year with Wyatt! 30 diamonds

[1] I've never been so sure of anything
[2] I just want to stay in your arms tonight

[1] I've missed you too
[2] You won't have to miss me again

[1] I want you forever, too
[2] In that case, you'd better visit me in NYC for real!

[3] Ring in the new year with Holly! 30 diamonds
[4] Ring in the new year with all of Winter Haven!


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